Social Media + Experiential Marketing = The Amplifier to Your Next Campaign

Social Media + Experiential Marketing = The Amplifier to Your Next Campaign


An experiential campaign is without a doubt the best way to garner interaction, engagement, and awareness with your audience. But what if you could amplify that impact in the lead up, throughout, and in the wake of your campaign?

Well. Thanks to social media, you can.

By using the community feeling, shareability, and reach that comes with avenues like Instagram and Facebook, you can collect vital data, amplify your message, and engage with your audience consistently throughout the lifetime of your campaign.

So how can your brand best take advantage of using social media to boost the success of your next experiential campaign? Here are a few of our top tips:


Your social media tactics in the lead up to your experiential campaign are all about building buzz and anticipation. Start by promoting the unique features and useful information around the event (i.e. the when, where, and why), and start engaging with your audience through comments and likes in order to build brand loyalty on a more personal level.

By doing this you can also gather data as to exactly who is engaging with your content, who is taking the initiative to sign up or find out more (through platform specific links, for example), and whether your choice of platform is reaching the ideal audience to garner the right interest in your upcoming campaign.

During event

To take the best advantage of amplifying your message via social media, it’s vital that you create a built-in social media sharing opportunity within your activation. This can be in the form of immediately sharable content like an image based activity, or in an “Insta-worthy” interaction that warrants a post (with your custom hashtag, of course) to your audiences social accounts.

The custom hashtag also offers a way for you to compile your impact in a measurable way, interact with the accounts that have shared, and post content from your audience to your own business page. To further incentivise posting you can also offer event freebies like a giveaway upon proof of a share, or a discount code for your specific product or service. It all comes down to giving people a reason to share your activation with their peers, and taking advantage of the engagement opportunities when they do.

Post event

Once your activation has come to an end, it’s worth investing some time into following up, liking, sharing, and commenting on all the content that was shared throughout the campaign.

Re-posting your favourite content from your custom hashtag and sharing event highlights are the perfect way to keep engagement up and further amplify your impact. It’s also the perfect opportunity to promote any future events for the same campaign, or for future campaigns that will also have an experiential element to them.

One of the most valuable aspects of utilising social media in your campaign is the data you get from it. You can clearly see the audience you reached – who they are, where they’re from – and compare it to your original target audience. Is it the same? Are there unexpected demographics in there? And if your results were not what you hoped for, is it perhaps worth investigating alternative social platforms that are more relevant to your target market?

All in all, social media takes what is often a one-time event and creates an entire campaign of engagement and insight around it

With incredible data and learning opportunities, and the opportunity to truly interact with your audience, social media is an absolute must to not only integrate but take full advantage of for your next activation! Need a side-kick to help you make this happen? Drop into our Inbox here , we’d love to chat.